”Chata” type houses combine elements of traditional country architecture with the quality of wood.


  • high gable roof (rafter/collar beam construction) designed for roof tiles or thatch
  • decorative gable supported by posts over the arcade and the balcony
  • single-space attic for individual adaptation
  • possibility of adapting the design for individual needs (it is though connected with additional costs and longer production period)

At the stage of house designing the customer can add more components such as: terrace, garage, car shelter, balcony, dormer, shutters, window bands, gable wall with a small roof.

All houses can be built in mirror image version. All possible changes must not disturb the building construction.

The changes’ costs are estimated by Design Company HTT (limited liability company)

2. Outer and inner load-bearing walls of the ground floor are made of smoothed beams (65×180) with cut edges joined without nails (tongue&grove assembling).

3. Side gable walls of the upper story are covered with wooden panels (min.19mm thick).

The designs for „Chata” type houses are property of Design Company HTT and therefore are protected
by copyright law. They may not be copied, reproduced or used in any other way without prior written permission of the authors.


The offered products and services are under warranty in accordance with adequate regulations.


We also act as agents in selling real estates in Warmia&Mazuria region www.osadamazurska.pl